About us

More than ten years ago, we started developing the binova flow® drive as a small medium-sized manufacturer and with a small team near Dresden. With a lot of passion and expertise, we have since developed our own BMS (battery management system) in addition to our robust motor. All systems are perfectly coordinated with the Energybus standard and ready to communicate with other systems as soon as other manufacturers are ready to produce their components according to this European standard.

But we are not only working on our drive system. Alongside the motor, we developed our durable rethink® frames which have recently been replaced by our sustainable wooden frames. We have come to the conclusion that cargo bikes – depending on the requirements – feeling like a “normal city/touring bike”, but being as practical as “a real cargo donkey” is the area that will make a decisive difference in changing the way we move.

We no longer have to reinvent city bikes or mountain bikes, because you can retrofit your bike with our binova flow®.
We have also developed a number of accessories from scratch using upcycled materials.
We are convinced that with our rethink® e-bikes and the binova flow®, we can contribute to the transport revolution.

Wait a second, though! E-mobility and sustainability – does this go hand in hand?
Of course! Especially if you apply resource-preserving use of materials in manufacturing and rely on high-quality and thus durable components. And if sustainable e-bikes encourage even more people to cycle again and use them for distances they previously travelled by car, the goal of achieving a rethink in how we move seems feasible. This will not only improve our carbon footprint, our traffic will gradually become quieter, as well.

We firmly believe in what we are working for. And we are convinced that we can make the world a little better with our rethink e-bikes.
That is what really makes us tick.

Binova –
Sustainability made simple.

Convinced? Have a peek at our Shop tell us where you are based we will refer to someone who can offer you a test ride.

About us

As a motley crew of designers, constructors, software developers and many more, but above all, as enthusiastic cyclists we are proud of our binova flow® drive, the first gearless and thus low-wear and maintenance-free mid-mounted electric bike drive.

For more than 10 years, we have been investing in the further development of our high-quality patented system. Our team of experts develops frames, management software and motors that are perfectly matched based on their technical know-how and many years of experience. We are constantly open to new solutions and incorporate new experiences into further development.

Steffen CEO
Steffen is a visionary and is always keen on surveying manufacturing himself. What he likes most is tinkering with ideas that might make our world a bit more sustainable and how to reduce his footprint. Which is quite a feat at size 14.
Michael Engineering R&D
Michael is responsible for developing and designing our drive components as well as our frames. Cycling to work almost every day of the year, he is inspired by his aspiration to quality and his attention to detail.
Tommy Technical Director
Hannes Woodworking Shop
Hannes used to be a chef and adds pinch of spice to our bikes. After completing his carpentry education, he is now responsible for manufacturing our frames with a lot of feel and organisational talent.
Maike Woodworking Shop
Michael Trainee in Woodworking
Johannes Purchasing
Johannes drives a hard bargain. Especially when it comes to sustainability, there is little wiggle room with him. Nevertheless, he proves that one has to be realistic and shows a willingness to compromise when it comes down to it. This is underlined by his "What would Jesus do?" bracelet.
Jacqueline Office & Ressources
Jacqueline keeps in touch and holds the company together, both in a social, and in an organisational sense. Enthusiams and sensibility help her master tasks from A as in appointments to Z as in zoom calls.

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